

Helm’s Spring Checklist: The Bald Man’s Guide To A Fresh Spring Look

by take-the-helm Admin on

Birds are chirping, tulips are blooming, and the days are getting brighter. Spring is officially here, and with it, a chance to refresh your look and do some...

Bald & Badass- Five Confidence Boosting Tips To Help Get You There

by take-the-helm Admin on

Going bald is a life-altering experience to be sure. You’ll most likely experience a good amount of grief, and you’ll probably go through the 5 stages of grief....

Men We Admire: Telly Savalas

by take-the-helm Admin on

Next, in our “Men We Admire” series: Telly Savalas Telly, which wasn’t his actual name, but a shortened version of his full first name Aristotelis (pronounced Aristotélēs), is...

The Guys Who Look Better Bald

by take-the-helm Admin on

Fusce euismod tortor magna, id tincidunt nibh dapibus vitae. Pellentesque eleifend rutrum tempus. Nunc nec dignissim massa. Donec eleifend urna tellus, ac venenatis odio egestas consequat. Ut eros...

18 Reasons Why Dating A Bald Man Is The Smartest Decision You'll Make All Year

by take-the-helm Admin on

Fusce euismod tortor magna, id tincidunt nibh dapibus vitae. Pellentesque eleifend rutrum tempus. Nunc nec dignissim massa. Donec eleifend urna tellus, ac venenatis odio egestas consequat. Ut eros...

Bald men are more confident and attractive, study finds

by take-the-helm Admin on

Fusce euismod tortor magna, id tincidunt nibh dapibus vitae. Pellentesque eleifend rutrum tempus. Nunc nec dignissim massa. Donec eleifend urna tellus, ac venenatis odio egestas consequat. Ut eros...